Lorn (1)
Basic info

First appearance: FFG Imperial Assault - Heart of the Empire
Species: Human
Events: Search for the Bardottan Sphere


Lorn was a human male Imperial bureaucrat and a historian of prohibited Jedi lore during the Galactic Civil War. He had the office in the old Galactic Senate building on Coruscant, where he performed his studies. At some time before the battle of Yavin during his studies he discovered the information about powerful Force artifact called the Bardottan sphere. While he was loyal to the Empire and the Emperor, he became afraid of what he learnt about the power of the artifact and decided that such a power shouldn't be in possession of the Empire. He contacted local Coruscant Rebel cell and shared his findings with them, asking for their help. Rebel HQ decided to extract Lorn and use his knowledge to find the sphere, but Rebel cell hideout was raided and all cell members were captured or killed. HQ sent another team to contact Lorn, including Jarrod Kelvin, Ko-Tun Feralo and Drokkatta. After many missions they were able to uncover the location of the shard - it was safely hidden inside old Jedi Temple, but when they finally found the shard, they were met by the Emperor himself. Unable to resist Palpatine's Force powers, Lorn was ready to present the shard to the Emperor, but at the last moment Rebels took the shard from him and escaped. It is unknown what happened to Lorn after that.

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Search for the Bardottan Sphere | Coruscant

Last updated: 29.04.2021 15:34:39